
Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Bio Poem

Elizabeth Eliana Selueni Paris Josephine Bati

Annoying, clumsy, happy, never listens

Daughter of loving Father......Raymond Loulanting

Lover of, baseball, cricket, and learning.

Who feels happiness, kindness, love and empathy

Who needs love and happiness

Who gives money and other stuff to family

Who fears nothing

Who would like to see the Great Wall of China and Miss P's parents

Who lives in Mt Roskill

Loulanting Latu Foou


  1. Hi Elizabeth how are u I miss my old teacher Miss p so yeah

  2. Hi Elizabeth I miss Miss and my other friends

    1. Hi MJ!!!!
      I'm so glad you messaged through here! How are you!! I hope you and Olivia and brother are doing well at your new school! We miss you too! If your class has a blog send us the link so we can see what you get up to as well!! Take care!
      Miss P
